Wordpress - Shortcodes

Wordpress shortcodes allow you to insert content on any Wordpress page. For details on how to use shortcodes, please refer to your Wordpress documentation.

Payment Form v2.0


Show a Supporting Cast purchase form. No sensitive credit card data will pass through your servers.


The following attributes may be used to limit the purchase form to only certain plans & products. You may specify multiple values separated by a comma.

  • feed_slug- Filter by feed slug
  • feed_id- Filter by feed id
  • feed_type- Filter by feed type
  • product_id- Filter by product id
  • product_slug- Filter by product slug
  • plan_group_id- DEPRECATED in version 3.0; see subscription_plan_ids. Filter by plan group id (see API documentation)
  • subscription_plan_ids- Filter by comma separated list of subscription plan ids
  • plan_id- DEPRECATED in version 3.0; see subscription_price_ids. Filter by plan group id (see API documentation)
  • subscription_price_ids- Filter by comma separated list of subscription price IDs
  • redirect_url- Send the user to a specific URL after purchasing
  • submit_button_text- Text for the submit button (e.g. "Buy the book")



[supportingcast_purchase product_id="1" redirect_url="/listen-now/my-book"]

[supportingcast_purchase product_id="1,2,3"]

[supportingcast_purchase feed_type="podcast"]

[supportingcast_purchase feed_slug="greatest-podcast,my-book,history-of-coding"]


Feed List v1.0

[supportingcast] [/supportingcast]

Show a list of all the feeds the user has access to and allow the user to set it up on their device.


  • feed_slug- Show the setup page for a specific podcast by slug
  • feed_id- Show the setup page for a specific podcast by id

Feed List Template v2.0

[supportingcast_feed_list] [/supportingcast_feed_list]

Not supported in version 3.0. This special shortcode allows you to customize the look of your feed lists. It only works inside of a [supportingcast] [/supportingcast] shortcode.


    <ul class="member-feed__podcast-ul">
            <li class="member-feed__podcast-li">
                <a href="?podcast=[scfeed:slug]">
                    <img alt="?podcast=[scfeed:slug]" src="[scfeed:image_url]">
                <div class="member-feed__podcast-copy">
                        <a href="?podcast=[scfeed:slug]">[scfeed:name]</a>
                <div class="member-feed__button-wrapper">
                    <a class="button button__main small" href="?podcast=[scfeed:slug]">
                    <p>to member version</p>

Feed List Template v2.0

[supportingcast_feed] [/supportingcast_feed]

Not supported in version 3.0. This special shortcode allows you to customize the look of your feed lists. It only works inside of a [supportingcast_feed_list] [/supportingcast_feed_list] shortcode.

Replacement Symbols

These shortcodes can be used inside of the [supportingcast_feed] [/supportingcast_feed] tags.

  • [scfeed:id]- Feed ID
  • [scfeed:name]- Feed name
  • [scfeed:description]- Feed description
  • [scfeed:slug]- Feed slug - a unique string used to identify the feed
  • [scfeed:url]- Feed URL - the RSS feed for the current member
  • [scfeed:image_url]- Feed image URL - the image URL from the RSS feed

Feed Detail Template v2.0

[supportingcast_feed_detail] [/supportingcast_feed_detail]

Not supported in version 3.0. This special shortcode allows you to customize the look of the feed detail page. It only works inside of a [supportingcast] [/supportingcast] shortcode.

Replacement Symbols

These shortcodes can be used inside of the [supportingcast_feed_detail] [/supportingcast_feed_detail] tags.

  • [scfeed:id]- Feed ID
  • [scfeed:name]- Feed name
  • [scfeed:description]- Feed description
  • [scfeed:slug]- Feed slug - a unique string used to identify the feed
  • [scfeed:url]- Feed URL - the RSS feed for the current member
  • [scfeed:image_url]- Feed image URL - the image URL from the RSS feed

Account v3.0


Show an account settings page. This will allow a user to change the credit card associated with the account. This will register the card with Stripe and send the new card ID to Supporting Cast to set it as the member's default payment method. No sensitive credit card data will pass through your servers. It will also allow a user to change the plan the member is associated with. If they choose a paid plan and do not have a credit card on file they will be asked to add one.

Change Credit Card v2.0


DEPRECATED in version 3.0; see [supportingcast_account]. Show a form to change the credit card associated with the account. This will register the card with Stripe and send the new card ID to Supporting Cast to set it as the member's default payment method. No sensitive credit card data will pass through your servers.

Change Plan v2.0


DEPRECATED in version 3.0; see [supportingcast_account]. Show a form to change the plan the member is associated with. If they choose a paid plan and do not have a credit card on file they will be asked to add one.

Login Form v2.0


Show a login form.


  • redirect_url- Send the user to a specific page after they login

Logout Page v2.0


Create a logout page. You should either display a "You have been logged out" message or use the redirect_url attribute to send them to another page.


  • redirect_url- Send the user to a specific page after logging them out

Conditional - If member v2.0

[supportingcast_if_member] [/supportingcast_if_member]

Only show the contents if the user is a member. You can also restrict access based on which plans or products the user has access to.


  • plan_id- DEPRECATED in version 3.0; see subscription_price_ids. A plan id, or a comma seperated list of plan ids
  • subscription_price_ids- A comma separated list of subscription price IDs the user must be subscribed to
  • plan_group_id- DEPRECATED in version 3.0; see subscription_plan_ids. A plan group id, or a comma separated list of plan group ids
  • subscription_plan_ids- A comma separated list of subscription plan IDs the user must be subscribed to
  • product_id- A product id, or a comma seperated list of product ids. The user must have <b>any</b> of them to see this content
  • all_product_ids- A comma seperated list of product ids. the user must have <b>all</b> of them to see this content


                        [supportingcast_if_member] Thanks for becoming a member [/supportingcast_if_member]

[supportingcast_if_member product_id="1"] Thanks for buying my first audio book [/supportingcast_if_member]

[supportingcast_if_member product_id="5,6,7"] Thanks for buying a season of podcast A, checkout the XYZ podcast which is similar [/supportingcast_if_member]

[supportingcast_if_member all_product_id="5,6,7"] Since you have bought every season of podcast A, you can now see this special content! [/supportingcast_if_member]

Conditional - If not member v2.0

[supportingcast_if_not_member] [/supportingcast_if_not_member]

Only show the contents if the user is not a member. You can also restrict access based on which plans or products the user explicitly does not have.


  • plan_id- DEPRECATED in version 3.0; see subscription_price_ids. A plan id, or a comma seperated list of plan ids. The user will see this if they do not have this plan or if they are not logged in
  • subscription_price_ids- A comma separated list of subscription price IDs the user must not be subscribed to
  • plan_group_id- DEPRECATED in version 3.0; see subscription_plan_ids. A plan group id, or a comma separated list of plan group ids. The user will see this if they do not have this plan group or if they are not logged in
  • subscription_plan_ids- A comma separated list of subscription plan IDs the user must not be subscribed to
  • product_id- A product id, or a comma seperated list of product ids. The user must not have <b>any</b> of them to see this content
  • no_product_ids- A comma seperated list of product ids. The user must not have any of them to see this content


                        [supportingcast_if_not_member] Please signup or login [/supportingcast_if_not_member]

[supportingcast_if_not_member product_id="1"] You haven't bought my first audio book, would you like a free preview? [/supportingcast_if_not_member]

[supportingcast_if_not_member product_id="5,6,7"] We have a special deal on podcast A, get 50% off any season![/supportingcast_if_not_member]

[supportingcast_if_not_member all_product_id="5,6,7"] We noticed you haven't purchased podcast A, we think you might like it![/supportingcast_if_not_member]